Friday, July 27, 2007

On a brighter note....

We are having tough days but so far the nights are great. Sound asleep at 8pm up around 6am. Crossing my fingers that this routine continues..... In so many ways she is a good girl. This is just so tramatic for her. Several people have told me that many children grieve like she is for a few days. We'll make it.


sandyb said...

You're making progress - remember, you antiipated these bumps, so you are on track. You two will be home so soon - drove by your house this morning and everything is ready and waiting for you guys!

Patty said...

You will make it! What an angel!

Rachel said...

She is precious! Days will get better as time goes on, although I know that's probably little comfort right now. Hang in there and keep the faith. And thanks for all the great pictures. I'm really enjoying them!

Kathy Fleig said...

Hang tough, Kim. Take one day at a time - even if just a 'baby step'. Like a marathon, one mile at a time! Thinking of and praying for you two, patient mommy and sweet daughter...