Sunday, July 22, 2007

An Giang and First Meeting......!!!!

I met Emma Duong Vojvoda this afternoon!!!! We started the day off with a four hour drive from Ho Chi Minh City to An Giang. I won't complain about our streets at home anymore... The further we went the more rural and poor the area became. We took two ferrys to get to the city where Emma is currently living. The hotel here is okay - it seems to be a popular wedding place and I can tell it is going to be a noisy night. They do have wi fi which is a bonus. Our agency told us today that the G&R date will not be Monday and at the earliest could be Wednesday. I am hoping for Wednesday.

One of the most shocking events of the day was actually getting to the orphanage. I expected to see it on the side of the road as it looks similar to many buildings in Vietman that we have driven past the last two days. No, we were let off on a side street and had to walk back on a dirt road with meager houses/shacks on each side. The orphanage is on some type of compound hidden back from society and is next to a prison.

Once we came upon the orphanage I saw Emma almost immediately. They were waiting out front and pushed the children to us saying "America" "Mom" and pointinig to who they belonged to. Like a dutiful child Emma came up to me and turned her back and leaned against me. Then we all went into the orphanage and spent the next hour and a half, playing with them, watching them have dinner, and watching them get their baths. Nobody hid or cried so I think that made a successful day. They do know routine and seem to obey with no reservations. That being said, Emma did not want to share anything I gave her - to the extent she was taking things away from the other kids. She was a little standoffish and I am sure that will last for quite some time. At first she was letting me be the keeper of all her belongings but when I made her share a toy her interest waned. They have taught her "mommy" and with coaxing she waved and said mommy when I left. Thomas from Dillon said he asked her last week if she wanted to leave and she said yes.. She also told him she was going abroad.

I'm wiped out but it was a amazing day. I'll try to blog more and send more pictures when I get some rest. We get to spend the afternoon tomorrow and Tuesdayat the Orphanage!



Susie said...

Yea!!! Can't wait to see pictures of emma in your arms. We're praying for you! enjoy Vietnam to the fullest. Hope the transition goes as well as possible. Post pics when you can! susieR

Scott and Leslie said...

Glad you made it safely! The orphange in Can Tho was off of the beaten path as well! Glad that your first meeting with Emma went pretty smoothly. We are looking forward to pictures (when you get a decent connection). Enjoy your time in Vietnam

Rachel said...

Such great news!!! I can't wait for more...and for some pics! :) The way you describe Emma, especially the "dutiful" part, reminds me so much of when we met Sera for the first time. It didn't take long for her to crack out of that shell. I'm sure Emma will be warming up quickly once she is with you after the G&R!