Monday, September 10, 2007

Miss Emma.........

Emma Duong has been home five weeks now and things are going well. She is a very happy little girl who is trying hard to fit into her new world. In five weeks Emma Duong has: started school at the Undercroft Montessori where she currently goes for 1/2 day and according to the teachers is delightful; attended her first OU football game successfully; and ran in her first 1km fun run with a time of 10 minutes 25 seconds (but who's counting).

Emma repeats almost everything you say but has yet to put english words into a sentence. She still jabbers non-stop in vietnamese but knows the important english words that help her get by: bathroom, hungry, no way, shopping and thank you.

I was told by her caregivers that she liked to sing and they were right. She sings non-stop. Once she has heard a tune a couple of times she has it down.. the words are a bit interesting but the tune is usually perfect. She sings at night in bed, she sings in the car, and now most of the tunes are from some sing-along cds she got at her Welcome Home shower. I have not heard a vietnamese song in awhile.

Each week is getting better and better for Emma and I and I am so looking forward to the day the language barrier goes away and we can talk. We do communicate well, but it is alot of pointing and one word sentences.


Leigh said...

What a delightful post! I am so happy that your adjustment is going well. I am sure the language will come.

She's adorable! BOOMER.....

Bob said...

Your daughter is beautiful. Our son is in An Giang and I wanted to ask you questions about the orphanage if you are allowed to answer. I am Carla C on the Dillon forum and I just posted a message on the forum with my email address. I know you are busy with your new daughter!

Bill, Paula & Will Cook said...

So, so, so cute! I'm glad that you are settling in well! I knew that you would do great - so much love there from Day One! :)

Dianna said...

Shopping and No Way are definitely important things for 5 year old girls to say! *lol* I'm so thrilled that Emma is settling in and looking so happy. Just as she should be :)